Buzinessbytes salutes real-life heroes
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 17th Apr 2020 : Buziness bytes, a one-stop solution of all your news requirements recently launched a video saluting the real-life heroes who have made it possible to lead a good life despite coronavirus pandemic.
The video starts with a voice-over supported with visuals, which narrates the learnings given by coronavirus lockdown. It highlights how common man could create beautiful memories with his family, get time to discover himself, opportunity to learn a new hobby and feel safe at home.
Here the YouTube Link :
The video offers a salutation to the real-life heroes who made this possible for common public. It appreciated the hardwork of doctors, police force, sanitisation workers and shopkeepers who despite the lockdown, ensured that they provide timely services for all of us.
Buzinessbytes comes up with such interesting short clips on the latest happenings in the world every now and then. For more information on daily happenings in India and around the world, stay tuned to buzinessbytes.com Publicity : Mediashine