Samaj Sebi Sangha celebrated Rakhi Utsav with children from Autism Society
Desk Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 18th August 2019 : Samaj Sebi Sangha sets a benchmark every year by celebrating Durga Pujo with a purpose. Last year they their efforts brought joy to the the visually impaired. This year they want to give the autistic people the grand experience of Sharodiya Utsav.

On 15th August children from Autism Society of West Bengal and children at Samaj Sebi celebrated Independence Day and Rakhi. The children from ASWB brought Rakhis handcrafted by them. Since Labour Inclusion is the theme this year, women at Samaj Sebi Sangha, tied rakhi to the artisans and workers of the pandal. Publicity : Carpe Diem Communique.