Tian Yu says Sukanya’s poetry deserves to be treated as mainstream literature
Desk Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 27th Feb 2020 : Sukanya Basu Mallik’s poetry gets classified as ‘foreign literature’ by Tian Yu, pseudonym Deng Zhan, a Shandong Province based poet. He is a member of various international literary groups and was awarded “Ambassador “De Literature” (“literary ambassador”) from the Motivational Strips. Being a literary genius, Tian conducted a poetry contest for fellow poets from across the world wherein selected poems were included in the foreign literature (non-Chinese) section of ‘Introduction of Chinese and foreign literature’. Sukanya’s poem, ‘The raindrop‘ was one of the winning entries of the SEAL (South-East Asian Literature) festival’s anthology contest 2019.

This year the same has won her accolades yet again. Yu says he chose her poems because ” (her) poems are full of clever,” he has translated and published her work on his international poetry network, “I hope her works are read by wider audience groups, bless her.”Elated by this achievement Sukanya shares her thoughts with us, “l always focused on creating quality literature but a writer can only write. To qualify as literature, the work must be deemed as good quality work by critics. My works were previously recommended for general reading at schools of Austin USA( AIPF anthology 2017) and India (Future books- 30 best stories 2017). But this is the first time that my work is being included in mainstream literature. The fact that I’m being able to represent Indian literature on the international fora, makes me feel blessed.”