An initiative by BBIT Sit & Draw competition to encourage students
Ambar Bhattacharya, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 9th January 2021: Budge Budge Institute of Technology (BBIT), one of the prominent educational institutes of West Bengal has taken aninitiative for children. They have been organizing a Sit and Draw Competitionfor all children in the surrounding area between the ages of 3 – 13 years, BBITis collaborating with Calcutta HeritageRound Table 67″, an NGO under the name of “Round Table India” in the school ground itself, in theesteemed presence of Shri Ashoke Kumar Deb, MLA, Mr. Jagannath Gupta, Chairmanof BBIT, and Mr. Tapas Satapathi,Group Director, BBIT, and others whohave graced the event today. BBIT Public School provides an environment that nurtures and develops the individuality, potential, and self-worth of its students and upholds the rights. The entire team is friendly and supportive.

Due to the current crisis situation in education,the system has changed dramatically, with the distinctive rise of e-learning,whereby teaching is undertaken remotely and on digital platforms. Children arenot getting proper ways to participate in such talent competitions, in thisplatform which opens up to the world of diverse, valuable activities that growswith the community. BBIT distributed school uniforms for children both boys andgirls, they gave out these uniforms to approx. 600 nos. of less privilegedchildren on the same day. Talkingabout the initiative, Mr. Jagannath Gupta, Chairman of BBIT, said,“This is a great way to inspire children’screativity and develop their passion-filled skills. We have always nurturedyoung talent and tried to provide a platform to such blooming minds. This sitand draw art Competition is one such medium for the not so fortunate kids togain an opportunity to express and showcase their art.”About The BBIT Public School aims to be an“Institution of Excellence” dedicated to producing leaders of tomorrow.

The school is driven by a “Vision of nurturing an educational space where learningis defined by the child’s inherent desire to learn”. BBIT Public School iscommitted to providing its students with an exemplary education, based oninternational best practices. We aim to encourage intellectual curiosity, collaborative and critical thinking, and effective communication. Publicity : CandidCommunication.