Medical College the first medical College in Asia celebrates 190 years Foundation Day
Debopriyo Bose, Takmaa News, Kolkata, 29th Jan 2024 : 28th day of January 2024 is the 190th Foundation Day of Medical College Kolkata. It is a matter of our pride that Kolkata Medical College is not only first Medical College of India but also in Asia. In 1835, This College was founded after a long movement of lord willium Bentinque and some of the enlightened personalities of the Society. In 1930, The Ex Student Association (MCESA) has been formed and the college Reunion has also been started with the foundation Day ceremony. It is also our proud that the first President of our Association is Sir Nilratan Sircar. As per tradition, 190th Foundation Day and 89th Reeunion will be held from tomorrow 28th January 2024.

Before the main Festival, in todays evening, Inaugural ceremony has been held at Kolkata Town Hall. The Festival has been started by flying a lantern (Fanus) written 190 and 190 balloons. Latter Mr. Gopal Krishna Gandhi, Honourable Ex-Governor, Govt. of West Bengal has been inaugurate the program as Chief Guest, Mr. Andrew Fleming, British Dy. High Commissioner Kolkata, Mr. Jahar Sarkar, MP, Dr. Debanjan Chakraborty, Director East & North east British Council, Rev. FR. Fellix Raj, Vice Chancellor, St.Xavier’s university, Dr. Amit Ghosh, Convenor, MCESA and Dr. Avik Ghosh Honorary Secretary MCESA will grace the occasion by their August presence.

Dr. Amit Ghosh, Convenor, MCESA has said that Calcutta Medical College is a witness of many historical events of past 190 years. Today we also pay our rich tribute to our past celebrity and eminent ex-students Dr. Kadambini Ganguly, The First Lady doctor of the nation, Dr. Bidhumukhi Basu, the first Graduate Doctor of India, Sir Nilratan Sircar, Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy, Dr. Rambaran Jadav, President of Nepal and many others. Remembering this nostalgia, after welcome address of Dr. Amit Ghosh and speeches of honourable guests, a coffee Table Book has been launched and a Documentary has been played on 190 years of Medical College.

After these, on the same subject, Mr. Andrew Fleming, Mr. Jahar Sarkar, Dr. Debanjan Chakraborty, Rev. FR. Fellix Raj, Dr. Indrajit sardar and Shrimati Tapati GuhaThakurta has been participated to a talk show, conducted by Dr. Amit Ghosh. At last the programme has been concluded by the musical program of Pandit Bikram Ghosh & Iman Chakraborty.
Dr. Avik Ghosh, Honorary Secretary MCESA, has said that Various scientific sessions, CMEs as well as cultural events will be held in the next three days of the Festival. Ex students & Doctors of India and abroad will take part to the events.