Sharodiya Digital Impact Award all set to kick off the digital war!
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 13th Oct 2020 : The 4th Edition of Sharodiya Digital Impact Awards–2020is all set to explore the best and the most informative Social Media handles of Durga Puja in Kolkata during the pandemic situation. While this year’s Durga Puja will not be an extravagant celebratory event owing to the pandemic, the Digital Impact Awards will be of utmost importance as physical distancing will prevent everyone to gather together.This awardis aimed to honour the best Durga Puja Committee’s page on Social Media Platform that would cover all the aspects of digital promotion and social media campaign starting from the concept, creativity, maintenance of page, number of likes on page, etc.Any pujo committee in Kolkata can click this link to register their Pujo for the contest.

The announcement of the 4th Edition of Sharodiya Digital Impact Awards-2020 was madein the esteemed presence ofthe jury memberssinger SurojitChattarjee, singer and musician, Paroma Banerjee,DJ AkashRohira and organisers of this event ParomitaGhosh, Director, Candid Communication and Vikash Singh, Director, Annex College.DipanjanBiswas, President,QWaits also joined from Mississauga, Canada along with owner of London’s Myosutra BoutiqueRoshni Mukherjee, PinakinGanguly of Dialogue-in and Sayantan Das Adhikari, Director, Candid Communication UK.Roshni, Pinaki and Sayantan joined the conference from London via zoom.
The selection will be announced based on three criteria- Best DigitalImpact Award, Juries’ Choice Award and People’s Choice Award. A special award will be handed over by Q Waits to the best Puja pandal that will follow all the sanitization norms thoroughly.
MrDipanjanBiswas, President, Q Waits, said, “Durga Puja in West Bengal has attained international fame and associating ourselves with such a huge event is a proud moment for us.Since this is the year of pandemic, sanitization and following the safety norms is a major criterion. We have decided to award that pandal with the special prize that will follow all the safety measures.”Boolean Array Canada, a Canada-based company, brings to India an amazing application or app Q Waits, which will allow a personthe flexibility to queue up from anywhere. ‘Q Waits’ can be downloaded free from IOS or Android phones.The 4th Edition of Sharodiya Digital Impact Award is happy to have Q Waits on board as its Title Sponser, Bancharam as its Sweets Partner, 91.9 Friends FM as Radio Partner, Urbana as the Venue Partner, Dialogue In as the social media partner and Myosutra as its International Goodwill Partner. Candid Communication in association with Annex College is the organiser of this gala contest.