‘Soul Brother – I Understood Sanju Like None Else Coz I Have A Story Like Him’.
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 24th July 2020 : “It is a Semi-Automatic pistol, will fire seven rounds” said Darshan as he picked it up….He took out the magazine, picked up a couple of bullets, and displayed how they are placed one by one by lifting the spring. He thrust the loaded magazine back into the gun, and pulled the slide latch once…You only need to pull this once and then it can fire seven rounds in succession..As I took the gun and held it in my hands, I felt a strange surge of adrenalin racing. I imagined suddenly popping out of nowhere right in front of my nemesis, the look of shock and fear cropping up on his face and then I fire point blank….”

On 29th July 2020, which is Sanjay Dutt’s birthday, a fan presents Sanju Baba, a unique gift as a token of love and honour to him, in the form of a book ‘Soul Brother – I understood Sanju like none else coz I have a story like him’.
Soul Brother is an allegory to a person whose thoughts, feelings, and attitudes closely match those of another, and this book is an amazing true story of a common man who had a very topsy turvy uncommon life, having striking similarities to the actor Sanjay Dutt’s life.
As per the author Debi Prasad Padhi, his life and reactions to its situations went along similar lines as the actor, and hence he always felt that he understood the attitude and actions of Sanjay Dutt in a way nobody else can. “A deep connection is what I felt with him over the years without ever having met him. The story inside doesn’t showcase Sanjay Dutt’s life but it is an amazing true story of a common man who had a very topsy turvy uncommon life. I have dedicated the book to him and hence releasing on his birthday as a token of love for him. It will be an honour if he ever reads the book.”, says Debi.
Dedicated to the actor, it releases on 29th July 2020, below are the links for buying the book.
E book & Print version available on Amazon
Print Edition also available on Notion Press
About the author: Debi Prasad Padhi
An avid animal and nature lover, Debi Prasad Padhi is a freelance writer who resides at Bhubaneswar, Odisha. He is a firm believer in the concept that there is only one religion – Humanity, and takes a strong stance against atrocity to animals, child molestation and eve teasing. He is also associated with the media industry at Odisha. Publicity : Turiya Communications.