Taltala Sarbajanin Youth Corner celebrates 50 years of Jagaddhatri Puja with eminent guests
Ambar Bhattacharya, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 21st Nov 2020 : Taltala Sabajanin Shree Shree Jagadhatri Puja organized by Youth Corner celebrates the 50th year. The auspicious inauguration ceremony organized by Ashok Chakraborty (Mana) President, INTTUC of North Kolkata. On this occassion special guests present were Sudip Bandapadhyay (MP), Tapas Roy (MOS), Sashan Pande (MOS), Subrata Mukherjee (MOS), Swarnakamal Saha (MLA), Smita Bakshi (MLA), Sandip Bakshi, Satyendranath Dey (KMC, Councillor ward 48) and many others.

Ashok Chakraborty said on the occassion, with great pleasure we are going to celebrate the 50th year in a befitting way. This has been possible due to the continuing support and co-operation of the residents of Taltala and unconditional dedication of our club members to organize this puja with humanity, dignity and sincerity. As always we will take every care in performing all the religious rites meticulously and spare no pains in making it a community puja in the truest sense.

MP, Sudip Banerjee said, For this year, we have taken precaution and necessary steps and care for COVID19 pandemic. Our activities are not resticted to organizing the puja but a substantial amount of club fund is made available for various community service work irrespective of caste creed or religion which involves inter area, distribution of clothes amongst under priviledged people of the society, handling over textbooks to needy children and financial assistance to indigent persons. Publicity : Brancon Communication. Photography : Rajib Mukherjee.