Savour Haleems At Home Courtesy Shiraz Golden Restaurant In The Holy Month Of This Ramadan
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 25th Apr 2020 : With Eid round the corner and with commencement of the holy month of Ramadan, Shiraz Golden Restaurant will be serving delicious Haleems at your doorstep through online food aggregators, Swiggy & Zomato during this lockdown period. The famous Mughlai restaurant has decided to serve only Chicken and Mutton Haleems during the month of Ramdan.
Though due to COVID-19, the supply of meat is severely affected, Shiraz Golden Restaurant will still be offering their authentic mutton Haleems for their patrons.

Service will be starting from this Saturday, 25th April, 2020.
Price – 225/- each
Order Time – 1 pm to 6 pm