
Dollar Industries Ltd Extends Help To People Affected Due To COVID – 19 Pandemic

Desk Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 5th Apr 2020 : Dollar Industries Limited, one of the leading brands in hosiery sector, has pledged to participate in corporate India’s response to Coronavirus Pandemic through community welfare programmes. Dollar Foundation, the CSR wing of Dollar Industries, has joined hands with the vigilant Kolkata Police and social workers to distribute basic essential items in more than 60 Wards across Kolkata.

In this hour of crisis during the COVID – 19 pandemic, the group believes it has a duty towards society at large and has thus risen to the occasion. While government officials are engaged day in and day out to contain the spread of this virus, some necessities and requirements of the common people stand at stake during the period of the lockdown. There is a significant shortage of food items and basic medical equipment’s mainly due to transportation issues which people require in order to maintain safety and hygiene – the most effective way of preventing the spread of the COVID-19.

To fulfil its corporate social obligation, Dollar Foundation took it upon them to ensure the distribution of food and medical equipment to the underprivileged. The company distributed 6,000 Kgs of rice, 40,000 packets of biscuits, 40,000 masks and 10,000 soap bars to the people in need. Additionally, the company is providing food and shelter to 300 migrant workers at their manufacturing unit at Tirupur during the lockdown.

“The pandemic COVID – 19 has generated an unprecedented circumstance and calls for widespread cooperation at all levels of society. Corporates and individuals need to come forward and participate in battling the corona virus in India. At Dollar Industries Ltd, we are doing our bit to take care of the basic needs of some of the people who have got affected. The stronger we are together, the stronger will be our resistance against the virus”, said Mr Vinod Kumar Gupta, Managing Director, Dollar Industries Ltd.

With the enormous help from Kolkata Police and the social workers, we at Dollar Foundation distributed the essential items to 40,000 people across the city including Howrah and Hoogly. The delivery method was performed by following the social distancing guidelines. Publicity : Sagittarius Inc.

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