Environment friendly, lead free, Anti-bacterial, Anti-viral paint distribution among the artisans of Kumortuli by Dr Sashi Panja
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 13th Oct 2020 : The World is fighting hard to combat COVID19. This pandemic has changed the way we look at life. But the greatest festival of Durga Puja must go on in a safe and healthy manner. In this regard Berger Paints has innovated a paint that brings colours & safety both to our favourite festival. This is a complete lead free, environment friendly paint that ensures the safety of all. To make artisans aware BergerPaints has distributed this lead free colour worth Rs. 1 lac to the 50 numbers of artisans from Kumortuli, Kolkata.
Berger Paints, with its constant research and innovation has come up with a revolutionary product named Berger Silk Breath Easy. As the name suggests, this is a paint for healthy home as it gives fresh lungs to the walls.
While speaking on this occasion Mr Moloy Sarkar, Corporate Admin Head, Berger Paints said, “We have used a proprietary technology to make our paint without any lead, mercury and chromium. Keeping in mind the safety of your family members, Berger Silk Breathe Easy paint considerably reduces the risk of infections. The paint is Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Pollution and Environment Friendly. The Anti-pollution property helps to protect your immunity. Silk Breathe Easy can reduce Sulphur Oxides and Nitrogen Oxides. This has been tested and certified by Equinox Labs. Our premium emulsion paint is certified by Singapore Green label for being an Environment-Friendly paint.”
For the last few years, Berger Paints has been conducting a social exercise by explaining the disadvantages of using lead based or harsh paints to artisans. The key teachings included the impact of VOC on artisans and pandal painter’s personal health while they are working in confined space. Another impact includes massive water pollution caused by the immersion of idols after the festivity is over as the harmful chemicals are released in the water. Through this lead free colour distribution activity Berger Paints would also like to appeal to all the puja committees to switch to healthier paints for their own protection and to protect the citizens of Kolkata from health hazards.

“As this pandemic has forced us to adopt the ‘New-Normal’, Berger Paints has taken a conscious call of not making people and pujo committees compete with each other. Berger Paints stands by the spirit and emotion of the festivity and with that our famous tag line ‘Kon Pujo Korbe Raaj, Jonota Korbe Judge’ changes to ‘Sob Pujoi Korbe Raaj, Mongol Hok Shobar Aaj’.To stand by the spirit of the festival and to keep the spirit high Berger Paints launched a new version of Berger Priyo Pujo anthem. Previously it was sung by celebrated singers like Rupankar Bagchi, Iman Chakraborty, Rupam Islam, Koushiki Chakraborty. This song has been composed by famous music composer Indraadip Dasgupta and produced by Straightline Solutions Pvt Ltd. This year Bollywood sensation Shaan and our own melody queen Somlata joined the bandwagon to add more colour & fun to the festivity.