S Saha Works organised the inaugural session of setting up a tailoring to train women
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 12th Sept 2020 : The inaugural session of setting up a tailoring unit in Central Kolkata, that aims at training and empowering 10 women and make them self sufficient organised by Ssaha Works in association with ARS Foundation and a self help group of Sister Nivedita Mission, “Matritv”. Mr Hari Narayan Meena, IRS Additional Commissioner, was also present to grace this occasion and motivate the group.

Divya Tharu’s Foundation supported the initiative by donating 5 stitching machines. The volunteers of Daanutsav Kolkata have also been associated with social causes for a few years now. The volunteers came together formally to start Divya Tharu’s Foundation.
This Pandemic impacted long-term damage on economy. The avenues for prospect of growth are standstill. Mr. Amitra Sudan Saha, Ssaha Works and Mr, V.C. Srikanthan, ARS Foundation thought of promoting skill based training to struggle this crisis, thus came the idea of setting up a tailoring unit. With the help of Sister Nivedita mission “Matritv” was formed.
“This is a very noble initiative to make the women empowered. This will make them self confident. The program will not only train the women but also it will provide them the opportunity to earn. This will help the women in future to take care of their family well. I am happy to be the part of the initiative,” said Mr Hari Narayan Meena, IRS Additional Commissioner.
“We are providing here free training on stitching, pattern cutting and embroidery to the women. After a basic training there will be also an on job training whereby they can earn” Mr. Amitra Sudan Saha, Ssaha Works.
“Ssaha already has a steady client base, and there are also other requirements of blouses, fall and picko which can be an immediate source of income,” said Ms. Santosh gupta, Ssaha Works.
The inauguration stated with Saraswati Vandana by the group members, followed by patriotic song.