Convocation ceremony of 80 students by ICSI maintaining covid norms in Eastern India
Ambar Bhattacharya, Takmaa, Kolkata, 12th Sept 2021 : The Institute of Company Secretaries of India organized the first of its Bi-Annual Convocation (First Round) of the Eastern Region, for the FY 2021-22, on 11th September, 2021, at Rotary Sadan, Kolkata.
Shri Annada Sankar Mukhopadhyay, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Murshidabad graced the occasion as Chief Guest where certificates were to be awarded to approximately 166 Associate Members (ACS) and 28 Fellow Members (FCS) of the Eastern Region, admitted during the period from 1st October, 2020 to 31st March, 2021.
Out of this, a total of 70 Associate Members and 13 Fellow Members were awarded in person at the ceremony, which was held in accordance with the Covid-19 protocol. Meritorious student were also felicitated at the event.
Company Secretaries of the period will hold a special place in the history of the ICSI and the country for embracing the opportunities brought in these trying times.
The speakers present at the press conference were CS Sudhir Kr Banthiya, Chairman, Eastern Indian Regional Council (EIRC) of the ICSI, CS Nagendra D Rao, President, The ICSI, CS Devendra V Deshpande, Vice –President, ICSI, CS Ashish Mohan, Secretary, ICSI and CS Deepak Kr Khaitan (on screen), Council Member.

The Institute completely transformed its remote learning landscape to real-time by rolling out various online short term courses and free video lectures including e –Vidya Vahini, the online crash course, for its students, along with providing revision classes and conducting mock tests.
All offline trainings like 15 days Academic Development Programme, 8 days Entrepreneurship Development Programme and 15 days Management Skills Orientation Programme have also been moved to the virtual platform.
Facilitating ICSI members through personalized Digilocker
Digitization necessitated the requirement of Electronic Documents. ICSI having joined the DigiLocker Platform of the Government of India in October 2019, is now allowing its members to download and save their Identity Cards, Associate and Fellow Certificates and Certificates of Practice from the Digilocker anytime, anywhere.
The ICSI UDIN or Unique Document Identification Number is a system generated alpha numeric number that provides ease of maintaining Register of Attestation/ Certification Services rendered by practicing members. UDIN ensures compliance of the Guidelines issued by the Institute with respect to ceilings on the number of certification / attestation services.
ICSI launched Employment Specific Unique Identification Number of a Company Secretary (eCSin), which is a random alphanumeric number, generated at the time of appointment as well as at the time of demitting office. eCSin brings greater transparency, ensures better governance and facilitate verification of authenticity of employment of Company Secretaries

1. Company Secretary to be appointed as “Compliance Officer” under Regulation 130 of IFSCA
International Financial Services Authority (IFSCA) has recognised Company Secretary as Compliance Officer, to be appointed under Regulation 130 of IFSCA (Issuance and Listing of Securities) Regulations, 2021.
2. Relaxation for entry into Actuarial Profession
ICSI members have been accorded relaxation in the condition of entry to Actuarial Profession from the Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI) – A Statutory body established under an Act of Parliament.
3. Recognition under Petroleum and Natural Gas regulatory Board(Gas Exchange) Regulations,2020
● Appointment of Company Secretary as Compliance Officer in every Gas Exchange or Clearing Corporation
● PCS to certify the shareholding pattern of a Gas Exchange
● PCS to certify the shareholding pattern of a Clearing Corporation
1. ICSI Overseas Centres
With its Vision “to be a global leader in promoting good Corporate Governance” and its Mission “to develop high caliber professionals facilitating good Corporate Governance”, the Institute has set forth its foot in the International arena by setting up ICSI Overseas Centres in UAE, USA, UK and Singapore.
The Centres would augment professional opportunities for ICSI members and facilitate practical training for students, besides assisting ICSI in conducting its examinations in these countries.
2. Corporate Secretary’s Tool Kit Training Programme
The Institute in association with Corporate Secretaries International Association (CSIA) and International Finance Corporation (IFC) is organising the Tool Kit Training Programme, a practical guide for Company Secretaries, to develop their skill sets.
1. Webinars
The Institute has been conducting a series of focused webinars since the year 2020, for its members to up skill their capabilities, enhance their knowledge base and unlock the professional opportunities.
2. Online Crash Courses, Certificate Courses & Self-Assessment Modules
The Institute initiated a series of Online Self-Assessment Modules, Crash Courses and Certificate Courses and also introduced the e-credit hour facility for members since the lockdown for their continued professional development.
Members are availing the benefit of learning the nuances of Company Law, Tax Law, Securities Law, Governance, Risk Management, Compliances, Ethics, Valuation, Financial Management etc. through these courses from the comfort of their homes.
1. Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET)
Keeping in view the diverse academic standards of students seeking admission in the Company Secretary Course and to test their aptitude for the Company Secretary Profession, the ICSI introduced Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) as the qualifying test for registration to Executive Programme and is conducting the Test through Remote Proctored Mode.
2. Implementation of New training Structure under CS (Amendment) Regulations, 2020
The Institute, implemented its New Training Structure on 3rd February, 2021, as per Regulation 46BA and 46BB under The Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020. Highlights of the new training structure are:
● One month Executive Development Programme (EDP)
The Executive passed students are required to undergo One Month Executive Development Programme (EDP) that would equip them for the mandatory Practical Training in the industry / with Practicing Company Secretary.
● Practical Training
The students are required to undergo a 21 months practical training, with Industry/Practicing Company Secretary and other entities after completion of their one month EDP.
● Corporate Leadership Development Programme (CLDP)
After completion of the Professional Programme Examination and Practical Training, the students are required to undergo the Corporate Leadership Development Program (CLDP) for honing their Communication, Legal, Managerial and IT acumen.
1. International Commerce Olympiad – MoU with Science Olympiad Foundation
In an attempt to create awareness about the profession of Company Secretaries among school Students, the Institute has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Science Olympiad Foundation for conducting International Commerce Olympiad recently.
2. ICSI Academic Connect
The Institute introduced the ICSI Academic Connect to collaborate with various IIMs, National Law University and Institutions of national repute to impart knowledge and acuminate skills of students, academicians and professionals. Under the collaboration, the toppers of specific programmes of these Universities/Institutes will be awarded with ICSI Signature Award Gold Medal and a scholarship to pursue the Company Secretary Course. The MoU would facilitate a comprehensive partnership in the areas of joint academic research, joint workshops, professional development & faculty development programmes along with sharing of resources and participation in conferences, workshops and seminars.
1. Concession in Fees for Students who lost their Parents
To support such students, who lost their parents/legal guardian/adoptive parents due to any reason and help them continue their education, the Institute has decided to grant one time concession in fees while registering for the CS Executive Programme.
2. Shaheed Ki Beti Certificate
Under this unique initiative, ICSI presents certificates to the dignitaries / guest / faculty members with a certificate of an amount and an equivalent amount is donated to girl child of the martyrs to financially support the her higher education or for any other purpose.
3. Contribution to PM CARES FUND
ICSI contributed a sum of rupees Twenty Five Lakh to the PM CARES Fund in the first tranche followed by a second tranche of Five Crore Rupees. The contribution was acknowledged and appreciated by Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi.
4. Blood Bank Portal
Covid-19 pandemic called for a heightened effort to support the nation and fellow citizens. ICSI with its dedicated Blood Bank Portal provided easy access to those in need and for those who were willing to donate blood.
5. ICSI Students Education Fund Trust
The Institute has created ‘ICSI Students Education Fund Trust’ to encourage and motivate academically bright but economically backward students to pursue CS Course thus contributing to the objectives of nation building and social responsibility. Publicity : Media Shine.