
Chandrima Bhattacharya MOS launched Rota Virus Vaccine

Desk Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 31st Aug 2019 : Rota Virus Vaccine (RVV) was launched in the state of West Bengal on 21° August 2019. The launch was done by Smt.Chandrima Bhattacharya, Hon’ble Minister of State, Health

Globally, Diarrhoea is a leading cause of childhood illness and death and contributes to about 10% of all deaths in under-five children. In India, Rotavirus accounts for 40% of hospitalization due to diarrhoea amongst children resulting 78000 deaths annually in India of which 59,000 occur in the first two years of life. Rota virus diarrhoea cannot be treated by using drugs or antibiotics. Administering children with Rota Virus vaccine (RVV) is a specific measure which can prevent severe diarrhoea caused by Rota Virus by 74%.

RVV is a safe and effective vaccine and is being used in 98 countries globally. It is being used both in the private sector and public sector as well for many years .

West Bengal is introducing Rota Virus Vaccine in its Routine Immunization Programme from today (21 August,2019). It will henceforth be administered from all government health facilities and outreach sites, free of cost.Three doses of RVV will be given to all infants, starting at 6 weeks age, with subsequent doses at 10 weeks and 14 weeks of age.

In West Bengal RVV vaccine (Rotasiil) will be administered orally to children with a specially manufactured single-use syringe for administering the exact amount of vaccine to each child Orally. RVV will be administered only by trained health workers. Training of 80,298 Health workers has already been completed in the state.

Our target beneficiaries in the state for the Immunisation programme is 14.65 lakh infants. West Bengal with its strong Public Health System, has high coverage of vaccines (95% Fully immunized as per HMIS data 2018-19 ). It is expected that the acceptance and coverage of Rotavirus Vaccine will also be high, and in future we will be able to prevent many diarrhoeal episodes and deaths in children in our state. Publicity : Launcherz.

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