Jewellery can be a medium of transmission of coronavirus, warn Fortis doctors
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 14th Apr 2020 : In the fight against Covid-19, sanitisation is the most effective precautionary measure against transmission. Doctors at Fortis Anandapur have said that apart from washing our hands, sanitizing our houses, supplies, clothes etc. one should also disinfect their jewellery.
There are 2-3 important things to be watchful about the risk of contamination/transmission of COVID-19. As per the research studies conducted till date, it has been found that the SARS-cov2 virus can survive on metal surfaces for a reasonably longer duration.

Dr Joydeep Ghosh, Consultant Internal Medicine at Fortis Anandapur said, “Since, ornaments worn on hands like rings, bracelets, and amulets are usually made of metal, so there is a possibility that the virus can persist on the surfaces of these metals for an extended time, which is undesired.”
The intricate crevices and corners of these ornaments usually cannot be washed properly, along with the spaces between the skin and the ornaments. As a result the concentration of any virus/bacteria is very high in these areas.
Likewise, these ornaments interfere with the proper hand wash technique using soap / alcohol based solution, thus exposing the concerned individual to higher risks of infection.
Dr Ghosh suggests that one should avoid wearing such kind of ornaments and would also advise everyone against long nails for the same reasons specified.
Dr Anusree Gangopadhyay, Consultant Dermatologist at Fortis Anandapur said, “Apart from rings and other jewellery, there are several other accessories that we use on a daily basis; for e.g. glasses. Healthcare workers and other front-liners who are stepping out every day, should avoid wearing jewellery. If you are staying indoors make sure the ornaments are sanitised. Sanitisation of glasses and phone is important. If and when the pandemic reaches phase 3 (Community Transmission) jewelleries and ornaments become a strict no-no.” Publicity : Carpediem Communique.