Sputnik V vaccination now available at Woodlands @Rs 1145
Ambar Bhattacharya, Takmaa, Kolkata, 19th Jun 2021 : Woodlands Multispeciality Hospital, Kolkata administered the first doses of the much-awaited Sputnik V vaccine today. Twelve beneficiaries got the jab.
The price of one dose of Sputnik V at Woodlands would be Rs 1,145.
“We have been receiving numerous enquiries from people on when we will start administering Sputnik V. The interest around the vaccine is understandable as it was the first covid vaccine to be approved and therefore is the longest time-tested option available. Also, according to studies, Sputnik V’s efficacy of 92% after the second dose is superior to other vaccines available in the city,” said Dr. Rupali Basu, Managing Director, Woodlands Multispeciality Hospital, Kolkata.

Sputnik V is developed by Gamaleya National Research Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Healthcare Ministry. With Sputnik V, Russia became the country to register the world’s first Covid-19 vaccine on August 11, 2020.
Other factors that go in its favour are [1] Sputnik V’s proven effectiveness against the Delta variant, [2] that it is approved by WHO and thus suffices for international travel (Covaxin is yet to get the nod) and [3] that the time between the two doses is just 21 days, which means one can get fully vaccinated in a shorter period of time (compared to 28 days for Covaxin and 84 days for Covishield).
“We have received a very small consignment of Sputnik V for now. So, we have not put it on CoWIN but we have spread the word in our doctors’ groups and among our staff, all of whom have themselves been vaccinated already with Covishield or Coviaxin. People, who are coming to know of the availability of Sputnik V are calling the hospital and are being asked to come over for the shot after registration on CoWIN,” Dr. Basu said.
One will be able to book Sputnik vaccination slots at Woodlands from CoWIN when the hospital receives more stocks, Dr. Basu added.
Saptarshi Bhattacharjee, 28, an advocate, who was the first to get the Sputnik V jab at Woodlands today, said: “I am a neighbour of Dr Saptarshi Basu, the DMS of Woodlands, and came to know that Sputnik V has become available at the hospital from him. I was waiting for Sputnik V to arrive and immediately got registered on CoWIN and came down to get vaccinated.” Publicity : Relations