
Governor Shri Jagdeep Dhankar today inaugurated a winter carnival “Fly High with Dil Se”

News Correpondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 22nd Jan 2020 : Honorable Governor Shri Jagdeep Dhankar today inaugurated a winter carnival “Fly High with Dil Se” held for 500 underprivileged children in the city by the NGO Dil Se. Spreading  Happiness. The carnival had fun fiesta for the kids in the form of dance, music, games and food apart from fitness and self-defense workshop held by the experts.

Speaking on the occasion founder Alka Dalmia said: “Dil Se Happiness was established for a cause. Our role is to ensure that we share our happiness among the underprivileged, with children being the prime focus.”

Co -founders Mrs. Sangeeta Thacker and Mrs. Manju Pachisia agreed to this and said since inception Dil Se had been doing charitable activities of note to help society. “Several eminent people in society have supported us and we are blessed to have the Governor  today here with us,” Mrs Dalmia said.

Fly High with Dil Se is an event that focuses on spreading smiles among underprivileged children who are devoid of their basic rights, such as care and proper shelter.
On this event, Dil Se organized a children’s carnival, with some amazing activities planned for the kids. From games, Zumba and food, to the distribution of books, toys and bags, Dil Se makes sure that their 3rd year into existence begins with spreading more smiles. The event had  500 underprivileged children taking part in the fun-filled carnival, which has been organized keeping just them in mind. With this event, Dil Se will be adding smiles to their lives, by giving them, things, from which they have been deprived, like proper food, basic educational books and toys. Publicity : Digital Brandz.

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