
No one sleep hungry save humanity this is the 2 motives of Mr. Sanjay Sureka

Ambarnath Bhattacharya, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 21st July 2020 : Uncommon mission. No one sleep hungry save humanity this is the 2 motives behind this organization which is formed by Mr. Sanjay Sureka to serve humanity. On 25th March, 2020 lockdown started from 27th March 2020 onwards they have started helping the humanity. In Kolkata 159 slums, 24,000 families has been served with basic ration. Mr Sanjay Sureka has personally visited. More than 21lacs meal has been distributed to the hungers. Since from last 2month he is running 7 community centres Kitchen in Sundarban, where everyday almost 6 to 7 thousands people are getting feed. Along with that he is also distributing the basic ration to Sundarban people. More than 1lac masks has been distributed to them along with 1500 sanitizers, 400 gloves, 59,000 soaps has been distributed. Cause along with food cleaning and sanitization is equally important at this time and people should be aware of this importance. More than 25lacs meals has been distributed. 3lac cooked meal has been served to the Sundarban people from mentioned community kitchens. On 3rd July 2020, 100 days have been successfully completed of Mr Sanjay Sureka initiative through Uncommon Mission of serving humanityy. On 100th day they have been to Chandipur and Bidyadhari, and provided basic ration of 15days to 750 families. So that at least for more 15days they can stay and eat in their homes peacefully. A packet is consists with 8 essential products which includes Rice, lentils, potatoes, soybean, onion, biscuits, cooking oil, and salt. Sanjay Sureka ‘our service through Uncommon is a highly dedicated and transparent, whatever we do only to save humanity. We will keep serving to the people who are in crisis’. Publicity : Aaron Media

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