Tata Steel Kolkata 25K kindled a passion for fund raising Rs. 98.41 lakhs – highest funds ever raised
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 12th Feb 2020 : Philanthropy requires innovative thinking, a disruptive mindset and a philosophy that is driven by entrepreneurial insights to drive home the smiles that make a difference. Tata Steel Kolkata 25K (TSK 25K), in its sixth edition, did exactly that, along with India Cares Foundation, the event’s Philanthropy Partner. 17 companies, 880 individuals through 38 fundraisers and 40 Civil Society Organisations – CSOs/ NGOs have raised an all-time high of Rs 98.41 Lakhs.
With this year’s contribution, the total funds raised at TSK 25K since inception is Rs. 4.01 crore, making it the largest sporting fund-raising platform in the East.

India Cares Foundation, has worked with CSOs/ NGOs in building their capacity, communicating their work and supporting them through this platform. TSK 25K, is a cause agnostic platform, positively impacting lives for the better; in the areas of Education, Human Rights, Disability, Women Empowerment, Health & Environmental Conservation. 35.11 % funds were raised for Education, followed by Disability 19.28% and Community Development 11.09%. Publicity : Carpediem Communique.