West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) pioneers E-mobility
Desk Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 6th Aug 2020 : The Chairman & Managing Director, West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL), a Government of West Bengal Enterprise, Shri Santanu Basu, IAS, flagged off Tata Tigor Electric Vehicles (EVs) in Kolkata on 31st July 2020. The EVs were flagged off from Vidyut Bhawan (Headquarter of WBSEDCL) in the city. With this, the company intends to promote e-mobility in the State and motivates other State government bodies to go green and combat air pollution.

WBSEDCL has taken three E-Vehicles on lease basis from Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a JV of four CPSUs for deploying them for their official transportation purposes. This is seen as one of the first mover steps by the Government of West Bengal to promote Zero emission in transportation sector and likely to be a benchmark for other State government bodies to adopt Electric mobility under ‘Green City Mission’ of Government of West Bengal. The benefits of E-vehicles are enormous and includes reduction in Green House gas emissions, making the cities greener and cleaner, reduced running costs, lower maintenance costs, easier operations, lowering dependencies on imported fuel, creating fresh avenues for employment, etc. Publicity : Edelman