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JIS Grouphosts CII-organized Brand Conclave as its Education Partner Biggest brand management workshop in Indiato address critical issues in modern era

Ambar Bhattacharya, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 1st December 2020:JIS Group, as an educational partner with CII organized the 19th Brand Conclave, the biggest brand management workshop in India on 28 November 2020. Due to the current pandemic situtaion this Brand Conclave was organised digitally.The key spokesperson of this event was Mr. Philip Kotler,known as the “Father of Modern Marketing” andthe S. C. Johnson distinguished Professor of International Marketing (Emeritus) at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. On the occasion of celebration of CII’s completion of 125 years, JIS Group in association with CII also arranged themaster classwith Mr Kotler, iconic legend in the domain of world marketing through CII Digital Platform.

The event also featured other renowned international speakers like Al and Laura Ries, authors of best selling book “Fall of Advertising & Rise of PR”, French sociologist and authorJean-Noel Kapferer, author Lynn Upshaw and Erik du Plessis,Brand Gurus like Erich Joachimsthaler, Bernd Schmitt and others.

The aim of this workshop was to illuminate the attendees about the global standard of marketing excellence in the new age and its role in brand management. In addition to this, the key spokesperson also addressed the nitty-gritty of brand management in the contemporary world. The workshop recognized the critical function of marketing in creating, communicating, capturing and sustaining value for a brand.

Speaking on this occasion, Taranjit Singh, Managing Director, JIS Group added, “We are proud to have Mr. Philip Kotler as the key speaker for the marketing workshop today for this 19th Brand Conclave arranged by CII. The world of marketing is changing rapidly and we need to take an action-oriented approach for surviving in this critical era. We are illuminated with the insightful marketing master class with Mr Kotler which will help us to define a clear roadmap for brand management in the current scenario.”

The workshop was attended by more than 400pre-registered participants across India.

About JIS:JIS Group is the largest educational conglomerate in Eastern India.It was the brainchild of Late Sardar Jodh Singh, which now has more than 30 educational institutes along with over 140 courses and more than 37000 enrolled students in various academic fields.The Group is dedicated to nurture research and knowledge initiatives, to empower students with education and employment opportunities, to establish worldwide network with industry and to entrust the enterprise as well as charge its students with social responsibilities. Publicity : Candid Communication

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