Monoshij celebrates International Women’s Day at Snehodiya, Newtown
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 10th Mar 2021 : Eastern India‘s famed Techno India Group ‘s (TIG) latest venture, a wellness platform “Monoshij” celebrates International Women’s Day with the members of Snehodiya ,a home and safe living for senior citizens.
Monoshij, a dream project of Prof.Manoshi Roychowdhury ,Co Chairman of Techno India Group in association with Snehodiya added Poignancy and Power to this year’s Women’s day program.
Monoshij ,launched in 2020 is a dynamic and comprehensive mental wellness platform which offers a plethora of services, ranging from Counselling and therapy for behavioural issues, remedial teaching for learning disabilities, teacher and corporate training.
Sri Debashis Sen Chairman & MD of HIDCO, Govt of West Bengal graced the occasion as Chief Guest. His brilliant speech mentioned that “Snehodiya is a marriage of modernity and tradition. He added that mental wellness and counselling can add extra perks to the lives of the elderly staying there and add a touch of happiness.

Among other dignitaries present at the programme, were Ms. Bratati Bandhopadhyay,renowned elocutionist and Ms Urmila Sen . Wonderful recitation by them was in a way an ode to women all over the world .
TIG’s pursuit of excellence is driven by the dreams of its Founder and Chairman Prof.(Dr) Goutam Roychowdhury and Co-Chairman Prof. Manoshi Roychowdhury who as unique entrepreneurs not only think about the growth of their own enterprise but also the society around them and the very nation they belong to.
Prof. Manoshi Roychowdhury, Co-Chairman of Techno India Group quotes that her dream project Monoshij finally ventures out to take the initiative of spreading wellness near and far. She speaks about her mission that provides high-quality mental health services to promote the overall well-being, retention, and success of our diverse population. She feels that work is guided by ethics, professional standards, and respect for diversity. ‘Monoshij’ aims to maximize responsive and effective support, education, and mental health care. She identifies the challenges ahead and their mitigation graph where TIG as a whole can contribute to the cause of the nation. She quotes that self–care is how you take your power back. Everyone has a resourceful potential and the moment you can articulate your resourceful potential you can actually bring about a change in the world. Believe in yourself & you will be unstoppable. Publicity : Supreeta Singh.