
Medica Superspeciality Hospital creates a history in Liver Transplant

Desk Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 14th Jan 2020 : Medica Superspecialty Hospital has conducted a deceased (cadaveric) donor Liver Transplant early this morning after the organ was retrieved from SSKM Hospital.

Patient underwent a complicated surgery which proceeded uneventful. Patient has now been transferred to the critical care unit for continuous monitoring.

Patient is male, around 40 years, with a reported history of Acute Chronic Liver Failure, with features of altered sensorium, GI bleeding, severe jaundice and fluid in the abdomen (ascites).  

Surgery was done by Medica’s own Liver Transplant Team aided by Liver Transplant Anaesthesia Specialists.

Patient is currently being monitored by a multidisciplinary team comprising Liver Transplant Surgeon, Critical Care Team, Gastroenterologist  & Anaesthesia Team.

We are indebted to the family of the deceased who came forward to support this noble cause of donating vital organ of their near one. 

We would also like to thank the team at SSKM, Health Department officials of Government of West Bengal and Organ Transplant Authorities for their continued support and coordination. 

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