Natural resource should be preserved in its own crude form for Ayurved : Dr Sen
Ambar Bhattacharya, Takmaa News, Kolkata, 23rd Nov 2022 : Dr. Debabrata Sen has been recently conferred with the prestigious “Aparajito Debabrata Samman” by Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Ayurvedic College and Hospital affiliated to National Council of Indian System of Medicine, Dept of AYUSH.
He has been conferred with this prestigious award because of his temendous contribution in the field of Ayurveda. He has taken Ayurveda to a new height with a global appeal, thus opening a floodgate of oppurtunities for this age old treatment and therapy. Parampara is a family business which Dr. Debabrata Sen gave a new shape and size. Ayurvedacharya Dr. Debabrata Sen, an Ayurvedic general practitioner and fitness expert, has provided us with continuous advice regarding healthy living.

Dr. Sen specialises in the treatment of chornic ailments with his ayurvedic medicines Parapara Ayurved and he claims that adhering to agood “Dincharya” will work wonders. He is a stauch believer that in order to reach one’s goals, one must clearly define them and live a diciplined life without shortcuts, adhering to a cinacharya and an ayurvedic nutrition plan.
The holistic medicines of the Parampara Ayurved line seek to restore health by identifying the root cause of sickness. It targets the underlying reasons and detoxifies and cleanses the body tissues. In addition to balancing the body’s doshas, it provides total healing and care.
Dr. Sen recently celebrates Parampara Diwas along with his birthday in presence of tollywood actress like Sudipta Banerjee, Alivia Sarkar and Sayantani Guhathakurta. celebrating the day he said, we should preserve the nature in its own crude form. The natural resource should not be destroyed for the future generation who will deal with Ayurveda treatment.