
A new snap report shows covid19 is deepening our relationships with our best friends while distancing us

News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 1st Nov 2020 : Snap Inc. today released its second global Friendship study, interviewing 30,000 people across sixteen countries, to explore how the COVID-19 pandemic and global issues have impacted friendship. Seventeen experts on friendship from around the world contributed to the report. 

Covid has further accelerated the importance of digital connections in India with nearly 91% saying that they have helped friends maintain their relationship, regardless of age. This is much higher as compared to the global average.  

Snap spokesperson Durgesh Kaushik, Head of Market Development India at Snap Inc. said: “As friends around the world navigate the new normal of social distancing, this year’s Friendship Report shows us that during the COVID-19 pandemic visual communication has become more important than ever.Talking in pictures and videos layered with creative tools like our augmented reality Lenses, Filters, and personal avatars Bitmoji, help Snapchatters express themselves and interact visually. They serve as an essential connector when meeting face to face is not an option and at this difficult time have enabled Snapchatters to feel closer to their best friends even as non-Snapchatters feel more distant. We hope that new features like our Friendship Time Capsule will continue to help Snapchatters stay close with their best friends and support one another.”

The Friendship Report sheds new light on how COVID is affecting friendship and what other major events in life also have an impact, including:

● COVID has brought some friends closer together, but also made some of us feel lonely.

● COVID has also led to deeper and meaningful conversations

● COVID has seen people reconnect with lost friends

● Indians rate ‘trustworthy’ and ‘honesty’ as the top qualities that they look for in a friend

● Friends are our first line of defence against loneliness, and we generally make our best friends in childhood; on average we have known our closest friends for at least half of our lives.  

● Most of us have lost touch with a close friend from childhood, with the majority wanting to rediscover that close connection.

● While most of us are keeping connected better through digital communication channels, we still need to develop our friendship skills to help us learn how to maintain friendships over distance and get back in touch if we do lose contact

● Dr. Rhea Gandhi, Counsellor and Psychotherapist in India and 16 other experts from around the world have provided advice and tips on how to do this

● Snap has also created a new Friendship Time Capsule to help Snapchatters celebrate their friendships. Publicity : Carpediem Communique.

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