Sohan Roy to celebrate his birthday by transforming his house into an isolation ward
Desk Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 1st Apr 2020 : As the entire world is suffering under the clutches of pandemic COVID-19 and Kerala too is going through a fair share of hurdles due to it. Foreseeing the urgent

requirement of isolation wards due to the hiking number of patients per day, the government has already started taking measures to mitigate the situation. On the eve of his 53rd birthday, Dr. Sohan Roy (CEO of UAE based Aries Group of Companies) announced to provide his house in Kerala as an isolation ward for the patients. His residence at Desamangalam is a palatial house of 9000sq.ft which can accommodate a good number of infected people. “Even though this birthday has to be spent in quarantine, the mirth of getting to do something for my land and fellow beings have doubled its

sweetness”, says Roy. Earlier, he also announced to provide 10 ventilators to 10 states of Kerala comprehending the scarcity of ventilators in our hospitals. Another of his announcements was the “Support a Family” drive to support 2000 needy families. He has asked each of the company’s employees to try and support one poor family and to take up their responsibility during this crisis period. This campaign was launched specifically considering the hardships that daily wagers have to endure during the lockdown period. Aries Group has been playing a major role in supporting the evacuation of students and individuals who have been stuck amidst this crisis. Aries Group has always played a major role when it comes to CSR activities. The company has a remarkable history of helping people to cope up with turns of unfortunate events, both natural and man-made. Publicity : Indywood.