WBSEDCL Contractor’s Welfare Association organises Free Health Check-up And Blood Donation For The Benefit Of The Thalassemia Patients
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 27th Jan 2020 : WBSEDCL Contractor’s Welfare Association organized a Seminar on Safety & Awareness where ‘Bidyut Bondhu Samman 2020’ was also conferred on the workers for their selfless efforts and prominent services with dedication towards the people as well as the entire society today. The programme was held at Ramendranath Chowdhury Auditorium, Bidyut Bhavan, Saltlake.The program was graced by Shri Sobhandeb Chattopadhyay, Hon’ble Minister of Power & Non-Conventional Energy, Government of West Bengal. Shri Partha Mukherjee, President of WBSEDCL Contractor’s Welfare Association was also present on the occasion.

“WBSEDCL hosts 1200 agencies, which provides service for electric and power supply over the entire state of West Bengal. Here, more than 60000 workers are involved who work periodically. Keeping in focus the ‘Safety And Zero Accident Protection’ for such dedicated safety-men, West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited Contractor’s Welfare Association constituted the award ‘Bidyut Bondhu Samman 2020’ as a part of the seminar on ‘Safety & Awareness’. The prime motto of the Seminar is to initiate awareness, safety and security among the workers so that they can skilfully deal with the various challenging situation which they go through, while on duty. The Seminar was mainly organized to make the workers learn and realize the lesson and value of servicing the humanity with the cover of a smart self-protection. Previously, we also had executed such several social activities for labours and workers associated with WBSEDCL, across the whole State, promising to stand by their families for a better future through proper education and good care. We must acknowledge UCO Bank for their gratifying support and cooperation towards such social initiative by granting educational loans, free of interest for the children of the workers alongside providing loans for their families who have to face accidental and life-taking situations”, said Shri Partha Mukherjee, President of WBSEDCL Contractor’s Welfare Association.

10 people were awarded with ‘Bidyut Bondhu Samman 2020’ in the program with a memento. There was also a free Health Check-up & Blood Donation Camp for the workers, to make them aware about their health and to meet the increasing demand for blood among the Thalassemia patients across the various districts of Bengal. Publicity : Sagittarius Communication.