CAB-KMC undertake vaccination drive
Ambar Bhattacharya, Takmaa, 23rd Jun 2021 : The CAB and Kolkata Municipal Corporation will undertake a vaccination drive for cricketers at Eden Gardens tomorrow.
“We had approached the Kolkata Municipal Corporation for vaccination of all involved with the game of cricket ahead of the next season. For us the well being of all those related to cricket is our top priority. And we are very happy that KMC has agreed to provide the vaccines for the same. We take this opportunity to thank Dr Santanu Sen for extending his hand of co-operation,” said CAB President Avishek Dalmiya.

During the drive CAB will provide the vaccinators and doctors and KMC will provide the vaccines free of cost. All players, umpires, scorers, groundsmen and all associated with cricket along with the sports journalists are eligible for the vaccination.