
Dr Sashi Panja unveils eating disorder clinic for children at Inst of Neuro Sciences

Ambar Bhattacharya, Takmaa News, Kolkata, 18th Dec 2022 : A Child’s brain is like wet clay which can be moulded into any form and shape. Thus it is crucial what they imbibe from their surroundings. Genes provide the blue print for brain development but the environment shapes it. Children’s brains develop at an extra ordinary rate during the first few years of their lives, particularly from birth to 4 years of age. The brain development that occurs during these years provides the foundation for all future development.

Keeping this in mind-the Department of Neuropsychiatry at the Institute of Neurosciences-Kolkata chose to organize it’s CME on Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Building Better Brains for Future on 11th of December 2022, which witnessed both National and International Speakers discussing on developmental and emotional aspects of Children and Adolescents.

The CME was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Minister Dr. Shashi Panja, Minster for Women & Child Development & Social Welfare of West Bengal. She also unravelled the plaque for our new clinic on Eating Disorders.

With the growing emphasis on Thin-Ideal media image, many adolescents want to meet the unrealistic expectations to feel socially validated. This in turn leads to starving themselves, binge eating which can affect their health detrimentally leading to hospitalization sometimes. With the increasing impact of westernisation of society, eating disorders merit renewed focus. Keeping this in focus, INK Kolkata will be starting an multidisciplinary eating disorder clinic to help these adolescents.

Eminent stalwarts both International and National from the field of Psychiatry and Psychology shared with us their valuable knowledge. Among them, Prof. Dr. Valsmamma Eapen, Chair, Infant and child and Adolescent Psychiatry, UNSW Sydney attended the CME and spoke about Autism: importance of early intervention and pharmacological treatment. The program was also attended by eminent Psychiatrists of the city.

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences is a Multidisciplinary Neuropsychiatric Unit staffed with Psychiatrists, Clinical Psychologists, marital Counsellors who are highly experienced and trained from premium institutions in India like CMC Vellore, NIMHANS etc. The department provides Child, adolescent, adult and geriatric psychiatric and psychological services (assessments and interventions regarding developmental, emotional and behavioural concerns, marital discord, work-related stress, family conflicts, substance dependence, various psychological and neurological disorders etc.)

 The institute has a dedicated Psychiatric Out-patient Wing at Institute of Neurosciences Annexe building at 10, West Range, Kolkata – 700017, beside Bangladesh Deputy High Commission at Beckbagan. The Department of Neuropsychiatry at the I-NK also has a 20 bedded state of the art In-Patient Psychiatric Wing with modified ECT facility in a super speciality neurocare setup is the one and only in Eastern India. The department is headed by Dr Praveen Kumar who believes in providing evidence based mental health services.

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