There are many traditional concepts and miss-concepts & myths on dermatological diseases and problems : Dr. Sandipan Dhar
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 7th Dec 2019 : Our skin has various multiple functions. Actually it is one of our closest friends; it controls our body temperature, save internal organs …. Our joy will be reflexed by the contraction of skin – laugh where the wrinkles are the mirror of experiences of our senior people.
There are many traditional concepts and miss-concepts & myths on dermatological diseases and problems, whereas there are many unsolved questions on skin in our mind too!

In these respects, we become helpless some times when we are suffered from dermatological diseases- where we have become anxious on the other hand faced many questions of the people.
On the same reason, now little girl Tinnyi’s parents have spent a crucial period – they have seen a light white patch on tinnyi’s face, they have been afraid, thought it may be vitiligo but not yet been visited to doctors in two weeks, the right decision cannot be taken due to various traditional concepts, advertisements of alternative treatments, fear and many others..
But it’s a matter of fact that all white patches on skin are not the symptom of vitiligo, many reasons of developing of these white patches and all have proper treatments. Despite of, even today, vitiligo patients have felt discomforts in many cases of social life.
If little tinnyi will be avoided by her friends & others in school and society, she will not be physically but mentally disturbed, her mental growth may be hampered which is very much unfair since it is an evidence bases truth that vitiligo is not an infectious disease! In modern treatment it is a controllable too.
The same case is on eczema – many miss-concepts are to this disease, but it is also not infectious and an eczema patient does not suffer from allergy & asthma due to its treatment. He may be suffered from them when eczema attacks him as a symptom of Atopic dermatitis, another dermatological disease.
In another case mammy of tiny Azahar is in dangerous situation, people boycott them since they have thought that he has suffered from an unknown infectious skin disease! But truth is that after a few months’ treatment, the disease has been controlled, the red patches and rash of the skin have been decreased very much. According to the doctor, it is psoriasis, which is fully un-infectious!
Ignorance and innocence is not same thing! Ignorance is not impropriety but when ignorance covers and away the truth it will be crime. In these points of view Indian Society for Paediatric Dermatology (ISPD) has organized this mass awareness program – ‘‘SKIN DISEASES & UNTOUCHABILITY – A SOCIAL STIGMA’ at Rotary Sadan to driveaway all these miss understandings and concepts. But these difficult works cannot be done only by some doctors, the help of mass and Media is very much necessary.
Dr. Sandipan Dhar, the legendary international figure of dermatology of our country, President, ISPD and Councillor, World Eczema Council has delivered the main speech to this program. Besides this Dr. Raghubir Banerjee, Dr. Rajib Malakar, Dr. Nishant Agarwal, Dr. Avishek Saha and other dermatologists have been lectured and answered the questions of the people in interactive session. Publicity : Relation