Ayenari presents Miss Priyadarshini 2019 to Sourisanjari Chatterjee
News Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 29the Sept 2019 : Priyaadarsini Magazine organiser MISS PRIYAADARSINI 2019 beauty pageant presented by Ayenari where introductory and welcome address was given by Mr Pushpajit Ghosh, Debanjan Barik (Founder of Priyaadarsini Magazine) at OJAS BANQUET HALL.

The guests present were SEAN BANERJEE (Actor), PAYEL MUKHERJEE (Actress), MOUMITA PANDIT (Actress) and AZAM MIYANOOR (Businessman). The winners of the pageant show were Sourisanjari Chatterjee, 1st Runners up – Pinky Routh and 2nd Runners Up – Bipasa Ghosh. Special category awards were given to “Best Smile” – Hridima Majumder, “Best Walk” – Dona Gupta ,“Best Presentibility” – Suchandra Chakraborty, and “Show Choreography” by Saikat Tukai. Publicity : Bulan Ghosh