Dr. Kumar K Rudra from Bengal now a leading physician and Lecturer in London
Desk Correspondent, abptakmaa, Kolkata, 10th Dec 2019 : Dr. Kumar K Rudra MBBS, PgD Gerontology (King’s College, London), FRCP (London) College Tutor, Royal College of Physicians for QEQMH Honorary Senior Lecturer, King’s College London LTC Lead for QEQM Stage 3 Undergraduate Medicine, King’s College, London Physician & Geriatrician Specialist Interests: Orthogeriatrics, Cardiovascular Disease In The Elderly, Falls & Syncope, Osteoporosis & Bone Health. His main Interests are Orthogeriatrics, Cardiovascular Disease In The Elderly, Falls & Syncope, Osteoporosis & Bone Health.
After qualifying from North Bengal Medical College & University in Darjeeling, India, Dr Rudra continued with his training in Cardiology for several years in Teaching Hospitals both in India & in the UK. After working with pioneering electrophysiologists and interventionists, he chose a career in Geriatrics and General Medicine, as he had a variety of interests in other fields of Medicine as well. Having successfully completed his training as a Specialist Registrar in Geriatrics & General Internal Medicine in the London & South East Thames rotation, Dr Rudra received dual accreditation in 2006, when he was appointed as a Consultant in HCOOP (Health Care of Older People) in the East Kent Hospitals University Foundation NHS Trust, based in QEQM (Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother Hospital) in Margate. In Medicine, his main areas of interest are Cardiovascular diseases in the Elderly (in particular Heart Failure), Orthogeriatrics (Hip and non-hip fracture care in the older individuals, Osteoporosis) and Falls and Syncope. He has a special interest in the broad subject of Syncope and he regularly performs Tilt Table Studies to assess patients with complex syncope .

Outside of Medicine, his interests are in dance, art, poetry, cinematography, gardening and his dogs..! Dr Rudra is a College Tutor for QEQMH and for his role as one, he has received national recognition through the Royal College of Physicians of London. His biggest passion is teaching. This includes teaching undergraduates (currently lead for LTC Block – year 4 students, King’s College, London) and postgraduate trainees at all levels. He has always been passionate as a teacher whether it be clinical medicine taught by the bed side or through lectures and tutorials to an audience, besides the day to day teaching that he is actively involved in during his ward rounds and clinics. For his outstanding work in medical education, King’s College, London awarded him with the title of Honorary Senior Lecturer in 2010. He has received several awards and recognition as an outstanding teacher for both Undergraduate and Postgraduate training in Medicine.